Sunday, August 28, 2022

August 26th, 2022

 I was nine when “Saturday Night Live” first aired in 1975. It took me awhile to figure out the comedy and that it was all improv.

I was fifteen when John Belushi died at thirty three and I was twenty three when Gilda Radner died at forty three. One died from drugs the other from cancer.
Those two comedians seemed old to me when they died. Now that I have two thirds of MY life done I know they were still too young.
My quote today comes from Gilda during the time she was battling her foe. Gilda played a character by the name of Roseanne Roseannadanna.
Roseanne had a catch phrase that she always used, “It’s always something.”
It really is always something!
Ain’t that the fucking truth…..
You ever watch the 110m hurdles during the Olympics? They glide over them like butter across toast. Now imagine me attempting to qualify for the 2024 Olympics for the American 110m hurdles.
THAT IS HOW LIFE SEEMS SOMETIMES…. A heavyset white man in his fifties barreling along a cinder track trying to jump over ten obstacles almost four feet tall.
All the runners glide through and I’m rolling in cinder knocking through hurdles with the Benny Hill music playing in the background.
And do you know what?
I’m gonna keep on getting up and knocking down hurdles… because the day I realized I can’t glide over them was the day life got easier….
Today is National Dog Day… dogs sure can help us get over hurdles. I miss not having a dog. Luckily I have friends that let me pet theirs.
I’ve been dizzy for a week now… it’s a hurdle I literally tripped over, but I’ll make it through.
Runners…. Take your marks…. Bang!!!!!