Monday, August 29, 2022

August 29th, 2022

 The last Monday in August of ‘22. Labor Day weekend is upon us and the feeling of getting your money’s worth looms.

Did I get my money’s worth this summer?
I bought a pool pass during Memorial Day weekend, but we didn’t go as often as we thought we would in May.
I did the math and I broke even. The silver lining was the rules were changed after a large group of Chicago kids stormed the pool in June. You can only have a pool pass to enter, no day passes! So we got our money’s worth.
We got the beach in, a museum in, numerous trips to Polar Bear in, Bluesfest in, Sox game in, the zoo in and ate a ton of pizza and pancakes. We got our money’s worth.
It was typical baseball in Chicagoland. Below 500 and no chance for post season baseball. Well, a slim chance on the Southside.
As the days get shorter and the leaves loose their color I’ll look back at the Summer of ‘22 as the “Summer of Dad.”
I was a dad for 75 days straight and it felt good.
Enjoy the hot weather this week and the last Sunsets around 7:30 at night…

Sunday, August 28, 2022

August 28th, 2022

 It’s a beautiful day in the neighborhood so why not quote Fred from down the block.

Sunday morning and we are starting out with a grammar review?
Love can be a noun, love can be a verb. It can also be an adjective when you are loving.
Love is the hardest thing to do in life. It’s easy to hate, that’s why it seems so dominant in the world.
Love is a second job…. Either you put the effort into it or it dies.
You put the effort in on a daily basis and you celebrate fifty years of marriage. You don’t put the effort in and you mark “divorced” on a medical form.
Mr Rogers showed us love. He showed us how to love each other. He showed us how to love music and art and the daily grind of life.
Unfortunately as adults we don’t have a Mr Rogers. We have shit imposters like Doctor Phil, Jerry Springer, Oprah, Dr Oz and Ellen.
Enjoy today like you’re walking down the block in a hurry to get home and change into a sweater and your gym shoes.
Today is Roxie Roker Day… the mom of Lenny Kravitz. George Jefferson’s neighbor down the hall married to the big old honkey. Happy heavenly birthday Roxie!
Last Sunday in August of ‘22. Labor Day Weekend is coming up. Bears are offered at 6.5, I bought 50 last night! Bear Down….

August 27th, 2022

 It was hard being a kid in the 1970’s and trying to figure out lyrics to all the songs on WLS/890am. Forget any of the songs on the FM stations.

We have all butchered a song in front of our friends at least once.
I had a crush on the lifeguard at the neighborhood pool the summer before freshman year of high school.
A bunch of her girlfriends from the Cathedral Class of ‘80 visited one day. It was the summer before they were all going away to college.
“Bohemian Rhapsody” was playing and we all took parts singing. When it was my part I sang, “Momma, I just killed a bear….”
All the girls laughed… except Trish Drew.
She smiled and said, “Shep, be prepared to get embarrassed in front of girls the next four years.”
Occasionally I would be pumped when I bought an album with lyrics on the sleeve. Kids today don’t have this problem. Google the lyrics for the song and ten websites offer the words.
To this day I’ll hear an old song. A song that I’ve listened to for 50, 40, 30 years. Look up the lyrics and scratch my head.
That’s what they were singing?
Todays quote comes from a rock anthem. I don’t know what the hell it means….. maybe you can figure it out!
It’s going to be a beautiful Saturday…. Rugby Saturday! Good luck Chicago Blaze. Play well this afternoon gentlemen.

August 26th, 2022

 I was nine when “Saturday Night Live” first aired in 1975. It took me awhile to figure out the comedy and that it was all improv.

I was fifteen when John Belushi died at thirty three and I was twenty three when Gilda Radner died at forty three. One died from drugs the other from cancer.
Those two comedians seemed old to me when they died. Now that I have two thirds of MY life done I know they were still too young.
My quote today comes from Gilda during the time she was battling her foe. Gilda played a character by the name of Roseanne Roseannadanna.
Roseanne had a catch phrase that she always used, “It’s always something.”
It really is always something!
Ain’t that the fucking truth…..
You ever watch the 110m hurdles during the Olympics? They glide over them like butter across toast. Now imagine me attempting to qualify for the 2024 Olympics for the American 110m hurdles.
THAT IS HOW LIFE SEEMS SOMETIMES…. A heavyset white man in his fifties barreling along a cinder track trying to jump over ten obstacles almost four feet tall.
All the runners glide through and I’m rolling in cinder knocking through hurdles with the Benny Hill music playing in the background.
And do you know what?
I’m gonna keep on getting up and knocking down hurdles… because the day I realized I can’t glide over them was the day life got easier….
Today is National Dog Day… dogs sure can help us get over hurdles. I miss not having a dog. Luckily I have friends that let me pet theirs.
I’ve been dizzy for a week now… it’s a hurdle I literally tripped over, but I’ll make it through.
Runners…. Take your marks…. Bang!!!!!

August 24th, 2022

 About this time every year when I was a kid I’d drum up what money I had and head over to the Kresges.

Kresges had a long aisle of magazines filled on both sides. Every August they carried at least a half a dozen preseason football periodicals.
Roger Staubach on the cover of one of them. Mean Joe Green on another, but the one I grabbed in 1978 had Walter Payton and a rookie named Earl Campbell on the cover.
Pages of stats from 1977, predictions for 1978 and the schedule for every team. It was the Bible for every sixth grade kid.
I would still have that magazine today tucked away in my foot locker. My foot locker holds all the treasures from my lifetime. My Pinewood Derby car, pictures, ticket stubs from concerts and baseball games. I even have the Trojan wrapper from the night my voice changed.
Someday my kids will open that locker and find “The Spirit of ‘76,” a ZZ Top ticket stub from 1981, A Sox/Brewers ticket from 1985 and a red condom wrapper from 1984.
What they won’t find is a football magazine with the best running back in 1977 on the cover. Their dad brought that to school and Sister Mary Francis took it from him.
Instead of opening his science book to page 13… dad was peaking at the probable starting lineup for the 1978 Bears.
The 1978 Chicago Bears ended up 7-9 and my magazine ended up on a coffee table at the convent.
After school I went back to Kresges to buy a replacement. They were all gone. In 1978 I was left with a magazine with Kenny Stabler on the front.
Kresges are long gone. Magazines aisles are long gone and all the football annuals are on the internet.
I never caught up from chapter one in science and some great niece of Sister Mary Francis has my magazine and Sister’s rosary.
If I would have put the effort in science that I did in knowing Walter Payton rushed for over 1800 yards I’d probably would have been more successful in life.
It’s National Waffle Day. I love waffles…. I have two waffle presses in the cupboard, but my favorite Waffle plays football at DePauw.
Good luck to the Freshman receiver, #80…. “Waffles” Grace.
Put in the effort down there in Greencastle and success will follow.
Take home the bell every year!

August 22nd, 2022

 It never fails… I was having a bad dream and suddenly my pillow moved and I wake up at 2:22am.

222 is the Angel number my mom uses to let me know she’s with me.
Yeah I know…. Jumbo spiritual stuff! Whack job Monday…. Break my balls, but I see my parents more from heaven than I did the last years they were on earth.
Like the little kid with Bruce Willis…. “I see dead people!”
Anyway my mom was there right before a squadron of demons were about to get me.
If only she could make me a bowl of oatmeal and put jelly on my toast!
It’s Monday and it’s going to be a spectacular day in Chicagoland. We are losing minutes off the days at an alarming rate.
I’m declaring today Margarita Monday and a day to grill a couple burgers and enjoy the warm August sun!

Sunday, August 21, 2022

August 21st, 2022

 Siri suggested I use “With the past, I have nothing to do; nor with the future. I live now” written by Ralphie Emerson.

I took the liberty of Jumboizing it for the chalkboard this morning.
Sunday morning late August in the wonderful year of twenty twenty two.
Another day in our life… we send kids back to school. We take late summer vacations. We bury another loved one. We go to street festivals and watch baseball games.
Life is full of days, life is actually full of moments.
I look back and think of a Sunday in August when I went to buy school supplies with my ma. The highlight being “this years” three ring binder and lunch box.
Last year I had a “Hong Kong Phooey” lunch box. This year I want a “Welcome Back Kotter” and a Walter Payton three ring binder.
All the Chicago Bear binders were gone and I ended up with a generic photo of a football player, boring!
So I pasted a picture of Walter on the front and Dick Butkus on the back.
Seems like yesterday!
It was actually day number 3,337 when my mom took me shopping. Today is day 20,505. Tomorrow is day number 20,506. I lost my virginity on 6,244. It was day 12,856 on Tuesday, September 11th, 2001. I became a dad on day 14,656. My ma died on day 18,207. I moved to Riverside on day 18,635.
The days pile up full of moments that make us who we are.
I can’t change day 9,732, but day 20,505 I get to make pancakes for Fritz. Watch Hazel breath as she sleeps and argue about how birds fart with George.
I’m going to enjoy day 20,505. I’m going to work on 20,506. Maybe go to a football game on day 20,511.
Enjoy the last full week of August. Maybe hug as many people as you can? Maybe put a teaspoon of vanilla in the pancake batter? Maybe watch your baseball team win? Maybe take a walk and look for eagles?
Make a moment out of this day!

August 20th, 2022

 Get your eraser out if it’s offensive or hurtful. Tear it down if it’s painful.

This last week has seen the continuation of the cancel culture. Texas schools want to band “The Diary of Anne Frank” and Lori Lightfoot wants to take down “The Bowman and The Spearman.”
First time I saw the two fierce Indians squaring off in Grant Park….
I said, “Daddy? Do those shoot stuff?”
Then a few year later they were showing older footage of the 1968 Democratic Convention with the hippies climbing on top of the two Indians.
….”Dad, Mom! Chicago! On TV!”
The statues have been in Chicago since 1928. Designed by a Croatian artist who left the weapons off the statues on purpose.
Lori wants them gone before she packs her crap and leaves in 2023.
Stop burning books… Stop tearing down statues…
I’d love to erase 1975. The year my mom and dad split apart. I’d love to forget 1978 when I left Chicago for Indianapolis. I’d really love to skip over 2000 when I met a cute girl who just graduated from Kansas and started working on the trading floor. How about 2017 when my marriage collapsed?
Maybe I can call Mayor Lightfoot or Ted Cruz and have them take away the bad parts of my life!!
I can’t do that… it’s part of ME!
I met many of you because of these events. I had three children because of the encounter at the turn of the century.
Indians were massacred, Blacks were enslaved, Jews were forced into concentration camps.
Don and Cecilia didn’t love each other anymore. A single mom thought it would be better to move to a new beginning. A relationship between a Cook County guy and a DuPage County girl failed.
We got where we are through struggle and pain. Occasionally getting a couple days of happiness and hope.
Maybe we can replace the Spearman and the Bowman with a statue of me and my ex wife?
I can be on one pedestal waving my arms and she can be on the other pedestal flipping me the middle finger!
Rip down those Indians and erect the Shepley’s!
Sox lost last night in Cleveland… let’s hope they can win the next two against the Indians.

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

August 17th, 2022

 We are in the post dog days of summer transitioning into a new school year and a new season.

My mom made me a bowl of oatmeal on the first day of school from kindergarten through Senior year. I sure could go for a bowl of her oatmeal.
I always welcome autumn every year. It’s my favorite season, but I’m having a hard time letting go of the Summer of ‘22. I haven’t had a remarkable or memorable summer since the 1990’s. That might sound sad, but since 9/11 and throughout my marriage summers were monotonous.
I’ve enjoyed the pictures this week of your kids starting their new year or going away to college. Our kids give us life, they give us hope. That’s the bonus of friendship… being that family friend, sometimes being called “Uncle Jumbo.”
We slide into the back half of August together. Let’s enjoy the length of the days and the angles of our shadows as they stretch into autumn.
I’m drinking the White Sox punch this week. Same Concoction they serve to loyal fans every year. Get your hopes up before they smash them on the dugout floor… but anyway, Let’s Go Go Go White Sox!

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

August 16th, 2022

 I didn’t become a man until the day I became a father.

    A couple days before I became a dad I was sitting in an Irish Pub with my buddy Eddie. He pointed to my belongings on the bar next to my pint. Sun glasses, keys, phone….
“Jumbo? You see these few things you carry with you today? That will all change very soon.”
……and Eddie was right!
  From that day forward and for many years to follow I left the house with diapers, wipes, pacifiers, bottles, vanilla wafers….
                 It was a complicated delivery, four weeks early. George’s mother had a tough time bringing our first child into the world.
I had my right hand behind her head, my left arm holding her leg up. We were breathing together, I was counting breaths and timing the pushes. It was the closest and most loving we ever were with each other.
Sixteen years later that baby is the size of an offensive guard. Unfortunately his mother and I are at the furthest and most hateful points in the relationship.
We did share the best day of our life together and that will never change. The day our firstborn arrived.
I saw Eddie recently…. 16 years later. Next to my bottle of beer laid my keys, my sunglasses and my phone.
In his Chicagonese accent,
“Life might seem simple again. Little kids, Little problems…. Big kids, Big problems!”
Southside Irish guys and their words of advice….
Happy Birthday Baby Jumbo. 

Monday, August 15, 2022

August 15th, 2022

 I’ve always believed in the power of prayer. My parents taught me how to pray before I could wipe my butt.

My Gramma Loretta had a string of prayers before every meal. You better know her prayers if you wanted your ham and green beans.
Then she’d have prayers after dinner, but she wasn’t stupid. We’d say them after dinner, but before dessert. So if you wanted dessert you better be thankful and blessed.
The Virgin Mary was always my go to recipient when I needed a boost from heaven. Sometimes Jesus, sometimes Saint John and when I needed the big guns I’d go straight to Poppa God.
Today is the feast of the Assumption. It is the day the Mother of God ascends into heaven. It’s a big day in the Catholic and Orthodox churches.
The Christian historians don’t know exactly when Mary died. About four hundred years after the time of Christ some guy picked August 15th. Perfect date for an end of summer bash and a blessing of the summer crops!
“Heavenly FATHER, Bless my soybeans…. Jesus, Bless my wheat… Mary Mother of God, Bless the corn.”
I still talk to Jesus’ mom occasionally, but since my parents left for eternity I’ve been going straight to them.
It’s good having a person close to the top. Why bother the Heaven Big Brass? I’ll have my dad meet God for breakfast and talk about my situation. My mom can go for walk with Mary and talk about the Shepkids.
I’d send my Gramma, but she’d pray Poppa God’s ear off. For heaven’s sake Gramma just hand God the zucchini bread and tell him I need help!
Go out there today and celebrate the BVM…. Celebrate the middle of August… celebrate the kids are off to school.
August is halfway over. Soon the sweater drawer will open. Wood piles stacked neatly next to the garage.
….Speaking words of wisdom, let it be.

Sunday, August 14, 2022

August 14th, 2022

 Do we get to reinvent ourselves throughout life or do we just age through the years?

The girl who sang this song in 1983 has reinvented herself at least a half dozen times.
What is the difference between a pop star and a divorced dad?
I had the bowl haircut era, the mullet era, the flattop era, the Kid and play era, the shaved head era and the Boris Johnson era.
I’ve changed just as much as Madonna!
The one fashion I missed out on was the Parachute Pants era. They didn’t sell those in the Husky department at Penny’s.
I wasn’t the first guy on the trading floor with a goatee, but I sure as hell wasn’t the last….
When I first walked on the trading floor all the guys were trying to grow that Mike Ditka/Jonathon Brandmeir mustache. When the trading floor closed guys were walking around with Confederate Soldier beards.
We went from the guy with a little coke in his pocket to a guy staring at his iPhone. That whole time I dressed like I did in Catholic high school.
Madonna Louise Ciccone has evolved from a post disco dancer to a diva mistress to a gramma that likes sex.
The only difference between us is I’m not a gramma…. Just a divorced dad.
I need a holiday!

Saturday, August 13, 2022

August 13th, 2022

 I woke up this morning and I didn’t have to make pancakes for the first time in 70 days. Hazel didn’t crawl into my bed at 1:47am. I left things out knowing they won’t disappear.

The one thing I wont miss is the mysterious spirit called “I don’t know.”
Idontknow Shepley!
My fourth child that always shows up when the shit hits the fan.
Who spilled this? Where is the remote? Who’s plate is this? Who ate all the goldfish? Who left the lights on? Who didn’t flush the toilet?
It is always Idontknow Shepley! I don’t even know what kind of pronoun to give this bastard Child!
Is Idontknow a she or a him?
Well they have all left for the evil side, I mean the other side of Mannheim road. Fritz, Hazel and Idontknow wanted to go back because they miss Molly and their friends.
I should feel relieved that the Summer of ‘22 is over. Seventy days straight….
I don’t have to pick up wet towels off the floor. I don’t have to watch talking dog movies. I don’t have to read books about twelve year old detectives. I don’t have to sing “Moonriver,” “Rainbow Connection,” “Sunrise, Sunset” and “Time after Time” before bedtime every night…
and if you’re asking… it’s the Tony Bennet “Time after Time” not the Cyndi Lauper rendition.
I sure as hell got a ton of help from my support team on this one. They made me hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Time to sit in a tavern and watch the Sox game. Time to light a cigar, drink a growler of BuckleDown and pound an Alpine Sub!
I better manscape… get the frog squishmallow out of my bedroom and restock the bourbon and gin.
That reminds me… Big sale at Binny’s today! Anyone want to play catch with me?

Friday, August 12, 2022

August 12th, 2022

 What kind of mark are we going to leave with the world?

Hopefully not just a hyphen on a tombstone.
If you’re a parent the biggest mark that you will leave are your children. You’ve heard me say this before. When George was born my dad told me that I need to replace me with a better me.
As this summer draws to an end, I look forward to the 28 summers that I have left to live.
...And all I can say is…… It’s better to regret the things you did than the things you didn’t do.
Today is Middle Child Day. Celebrate if you’re that sibling. My middle child is nicknamed “The Glue.” Because he holds the other two together. He holds the whole family together with his calmness and wittiness.
I’m looking at the Full Moon settle into the western morning. It’s bigger than me and it will be here when I leave.

Thursday, August 11, 2022

August 11th, 2022

                 You can look at it any way you want.

It’s a rose bush with thorns or a thorn bush with roses.
It’s kind of like…. why are there bumps in the road? In Illinois they’re called potholes. My Gramma from Indiana use to call them Chuck holes.
So when we went skitching in Chicago we would watch for potholes. When we’d go bumper tagging in Indianapolis we had to look for Chuck holes.
No matter how you look at it there have been roads with holes since the Romans.
Life has pricks and roses have thorns…
I don’t like calling a guy a prick when Jag Off is more appropriate.
So in conclusion…. Go out and smell the flowers today and don’t be a dick!

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

August 10th, 2022

 The 2020’s have brought higher anxiety levels for all of us.

    December 31st, 2019 held little promise and we had no idea where things were heading.
       Yesterday the cubs cut Jason Heyward. Jason Heyward is the blame for the downward spiral we have been on for the last six years. Jason Heyward unlocked the universal paradox that has unleashed havoc in the world. He has brought Biff back from the future and Biff used his sports almanac.
       Jason Heyward gave a speech during a rain delay in Cleveland, Ohio on November 2nd, 2016. Since that speech and the outcome from those words, we have been in decline. The next week after Jayson Heyward motivated his baseball club to victory, we had a Presidential election. 
                      The next week!
             That Trump victory was the first of many prices we’d pay when the curse of the Billy Goat was lifted. My marriage was ending at the same time. Mass shootings have escalated. Riots and civil unrest and the kicker was Covid. Psychologists are swamped these days. Politicians are at odds. Even the Pope wants to retire.
               Anxiety is running rampant across the world. Don’t let it trip you up! Turn to something that holds your hand and calms your nerves.
           Today is National S’mores day. When all else fails… a graham cracker, a Hersey chocolate bar and a marshmallow can save your soul.

Tuesday, August 9, 2022

August 9th, 2022

        What did you do over your summer break?

Well I got my daughter to eat more vegetables and salads. My oldest son has a job and works out with Jerry Owen.
But the biggest surprise this summer was my younger son becoming a Beastie Boys fan.
Fritz is playing Robolox the other day singing…. Another dimension, another dimension
Another dimension, another dimension
Another dimension, another dimension…”
“Hey Dad? Wouldn’t it be cool if Robolox had a game called “Intergalactic” that I could play?”
Typical dad reply, “what would be cool is if you could brush you teeth without me having to tell you to! That would be cool!”
Last Super moon of 2022 is Thursday night going into Friday.

Monday, August 8, 2022

August 8th, 2022

 A person once told me I will never change… that I have no room to grow.

About a week later I changed addresses.
Change is good, growth is good and acquiring knowledge as we get older is even more gooder!
( I meant to spell it that way Mr. Young and Bennet Weaver.)
I can continue to type three more paragraphs on how change is good, but I’m going to change the subject.
Can you believe it’s been thirty four years since the lights went up at Wrigley Field? It seems like yesterday when Jody Davis, Les Lancaster, Al Nipper, and Greg Maddux were skidding across the infield tarp.
Just another example of how change is good. Think where the Cubs and Wrigleyville would be without lights?
The neighborhood would still be a dump and not the Disneyland it has become.
No Guns and Roses concerts when the Cubs are out of town and the Cubs would probably be in last place.
So change is good….
Don’t worry Cub fans… the Sox attendance still sucks compared to yours…
Bring an umbrella and GoldBond up your thigh gaps… it’s just another manic Monday.

Sunday, August 7, 2022

August 7th, 2022

 I’m not going to get to deep into today’s quote. Just know it was said by Nelson Mandela. Mr Mandela was imprisoned for 27 years.

So when I’m going through a tough patch in life…. I think about Nelson Mandela. He made it through to the other side. He held his head up the whole time.
So get it done! Get through whatever it is. Crawl through that tunnel of shit and end up on a sandy beach next to the blue ocean.
I look at our two baseball teams and the seasons they are playing.
The Southside team’s record symbolizes a normal life. You take the wins with the losses. Just trying to stay above five hundred.
The Northsider’s record symbolizes my marriage. If you don’t work hard enough and lose your passion… you’ll end up twenty games below five hundred.
We are nearing the end of the Dog Days of Summer. This week we will have our last sunset after 8:00pm until May 12th, 2023. Boy, that seems impossible!
One last thing. When you finish something impossible… just think about what Rodney Dangerfield says at the end of “Caddy Shack!”

August 6th, 2022

   I have a picture of my mom, dad and step mother on my trading desk.

It was taken at one of my Mardi Gras parties in the 1990’s.
All three of them are wearing Mardi Gras beads and have big smiles on their faces. They were all the age that I am right now. They seemed so old and fuddy duddy, but they got in the Second Line, drank a hurricane and cringed when someone flashed her boobs.
I look at that picture everyday and sometimes pray to it when I need a parents hand.
The thing is…. They were in their fifties and here I am… in my fifties.
All three of my parents let life wear them down by that point.
That is what you cannot let happen!
You can’t let life wear you down. You gotta let the bad pieces break off and work with the good.
We all have gone through a Shitshow at one point in our lives. That’s why we have Mardi Gras Parties! It gives us a chance to flash our tits at the world and rebuild.
My parents were my age in the 1990’s and now they are just a picture on my desk at work. I have a lot going on before I become a picture on George Shepley’s computer desk.
Does that mean I have to find George a step mom and get our picture taken with the Hinsdale girl?
I’m flashing my tits for that one!
Everyday you feel like breaking down….remember that you are breaking free.
You are someone’s sunrise… so flash your smile, flash your tits and make Saturday August 6th shine!
It’s gonna be a hot somabitch in Chicagoland…. Just remember Next week we have our last sunset after 8:00pm until next year.

Friday, August 5, 2022

Saturday errands with my dad

 I would get in the car with my dad on a Saturday morning to run errands.

Go for haircuts at the barber…grab breakfast at the diner… get a new watch battery at the clock shop… stop at the pharmacy and get insulin needles… get a lottery ticket and the Sunday papers on Saturday at White Hen.
Once the important stuff was finished we’d adventure the Chicago Grid.
Don Shepley would show me remnants of the largest streetcar system in the country. Shut down by 1958 because “fucking GM” had to sell horrible buses to Mayor Daley.
Remember… my dad was a railroad man and buses and the interstate system were the enemy.
My dad also found little bakeries tucked away in the neighborhoods. He found “Nick Knack” stores, hot dog stands and Schlitz globes.
Our adventures took place from 1971ish until 2005 when he left Cook County for good.
My dad knew every Bohemian, Oriental, German, Soul food and Italian restaurant on every side of town.
Hot dog stand, fried shrimp, chili bar, taco wagon and White Castle as well.
We’d usually bring a loaf of bread, a coffee cake and a box of cannoli home at the end of our drive.
When we started out in the morning we’d listen to the Irish music and Polish music on WPNA. Then we’d switch over and listen to the golden radio show on WNIB.
The whole journey my dad was smoking cigarettes continuously….
I fucking hate cigarette smoke to this day!
We’d get home and my dad would take a nap and I’d imagine getting into his Fleetwood Brougham and travel back in time.
I would have loved to flash back to an earlier era in Chicago. If we got stuck my dad could easily get a job on the railroad and I could walk into the Board of Trade.
Just me and my dad stuck in 1928 Chicago….1938 Chicago…. 1948 Chicago…. 1958 Chicago.
I think when I finally join my dad in heaven we will be able to do this.
I hope God has Cadillacs, Jazz clubs, diners and bakeries in heaven…