Friday, July 8, 2022

July 6th, 2022

 I’m not sure what being bold has to do with gaining freedom. I do know that everyday all of us have challenges.

Everyday we wake up and think it’s going to be an easier day than yesterday.
It doesn’t get easier. Everyday is hard and has new challenges we must face.
The thing is…. We get stronger!
“If I can get through this summer life will get a lot easier again!”
I have been thinking this since the Shepkids mom abandoned them last month.
It’s not going to get easier. It’s going to continue to be tough.
“When Hazel turns 18 I’ll be able to take it easy!”
At a time when Hazel’s life will be getting harder I’m going to take it easy? Absolutely not….
Never think life gets easier… it won’t.
Parenthood, career, retirement…
it won’t get easier.
God doesn’t change the light green for us. He won’t pay the utility bill for us. God won’t show up when you hit the “send nurse” button at Shady Lane Retirement home.
Life doesn’t get easier. WE get stronger!
Today is National Fried Chicken Day and International Kissing Day. I suggest you grab a bucket of chicken and someone you like to kiss and enjoy some finger licking good time tonight!