I found great joy in all the posts and text messages wishing me a happy birthday yesterday.
The human touch through social media can be used in a positive way… thank you everybody…
I did have a police officer knock on my door yesterday.
On my birthday! That has never happened before.
The village of Riverside assigned me a closer parking spot. One that I can see Betty the Blazer from my balcony. Unfortunately Riverside didn’t tell Karen that spot 23 was assigned to me. So Karen called the police.
I showed the police officer the proper documentation and Karen became more Karen.
Maybe a 1997 hunter green Chevy Blazer with a “Reagan/Bush” sticker and a “I
hot moms” sticker in her old spot was a little upsetting.

This morning her car is parked on the street across from my balcony. Maybe I should leave a nice card under her windshield wiper?
Dear Karen,
Sorry about the inconvenience. If you ever need anything heavy to move or if you need help flipping an orgasm, please let me know. I’m good at both.
Sincerely the Big Guy in your spot