Out of the passion of our youth should grow integrity and a sense of what are mission is in life.
I have gotten to the point where I walk away from the guy who takes himself too seriously. They think they are the town crier, but they are really the village idiot.
The people that turned out alright in life were the ones that shared the red crayon in third grade art period.
Do you think Sister Helena Mary was a dumbass?
She put a bunch of the shitty crayons on your groups table and left only one red crayon.
Then she watched.
She saw who hogged it. She saw who shared it and she saw who stole it.
The guy who stole it is a Congressman now. The person who hogged it is laying next to an unhappy spouse. The one who shared it is a dear friend of yours.
Wake up this morning and share the red crayon. Sing a Bob Seger song out loud. Tell someone where you were when the Space Challenger crashed. Let people talk about stuff and try not to be a jagoff when someone cuts you off.
That’s all Sister Helena Mary wanted to prove.
Nobody cares about your views on abortion or gun control. They want to hear you smile and see you laugh. Be liked because you tell great stories, listen to great stories and make great omelets.
Tonight is the All Star game. All the players that I like are in their seventies or in their graves….still a great summertime tradition.