Wednesday, July 27, 2022

July 27th, 2022

 We have over extended ourselves. We have stretched things out too far.

Last night I turned on the White Sox game and they were playing a purple team that I wasn’t familiar with…
Why can’t it be easy like it was in 1972? That’s when my memory begins with professional sports.
Baseball had 24 teams and the AL played the NL only in the All-star Game and the World Series.
No inter league bullcrap!
…. And Dick Allen was the MVP and he was on our Sox.
Football had 26 teams and even though the Bears sucked… they had Butkus and Buffone.
Hockey had 16 teams and that was two too many… they had two new teams and one was from Atlanta! All the Uncles bitched about hockey in the south!
Oh and the Blackhawks lost in the championship.
Basketball? Well back then there was a team called the Bulls….there was a team called the Harlem Globetrotters and then there was my team.
… and did I take grief in the neighborhood for my team!
“Indiana Pacers? This is Chicago! You can’t be a Pacer fan!”
Well I was and they were the ABA champions….
Let’s just make it simple and eliminate any team established after 1976!
Let’s return the gas lid on our cars underneath the license plate and let’s bring back the “Lawrence Welk Show.”
K.I.S.S. Keep it simple stupid!
These poor kids are under pressure to remember all these starting lineups for 150 teams…. Some from far places!
So hard these days…. Go White Sox, Go cubs, Go Bears, Go Blackhawks, Go Pacers… everyone else…. Go Home!