Tuesday, July 26, 2022

July 26th, 2022

 My dad taught me how to roll up a sleeping bag. My mom taught me how to fold a fitted sheet. They were really planting the seeds of how to unfold love.

Teaching your children how to love. Some parents are good at it and some completely ignore it.
Perfect example are the parents in the movie “Love Story.”
You have the wealthy WASP parents that never showed affection or nurtured there son and you have the poor Catholic baker from the neighborhood who showered his daughter with love.
I play the roll of the Board of Trade guy raised by a Railroad Man and an ex nun. My parents loved the shit out of me and I hope I learned to unfold my love for the world to see…
Don’t keep your love folded up and stuffed in the back of a closet!
Today is National Auntie Day… most of my Aunts were nuns. Weird as a kid… the others all had their own personalities.
My favorite Auntie lost me at the Indianapolis Zoo when I was a young boy. She has always unfolded her love for me… Happy Aunt “B” Day Barb McEvoy.
I hope your favorite band plays two great songs on the radio today!
Do you know the song that I pulled todays quote from?