I did the chalkboard quote last night after a long painful Monday. I was tired and in a shitty mood.
I woke up Tuesday morning feeling pretty good. Hazel slept through the night in her own bed…. So that’s a victory.
Since that quote is worthless to me this morning I’m not going that way… all it means is “Just Keep Swimming!”
The beginning of June is six weeks ago. The end of August is in six weeks. Basically that is like saying 1992 was thirty years ago and 2052 is thirty years from now… take that anyway you want…
For me it means… just do your job, don’t piss people off and take deep breaths…
It’s Amazon Prime Day… all that means to me is malls are boarded up and fewer book stores….
No funny stories today. Just a middle aged fat fuck trying to get through the week. Which means the end of August will be just five weeks away.
I’m going to do my job today, try not to piss off anyone and I’m going to breath….