I have no interest in watching anything involving today’s football game. Tomorrow morning I will look at my numbers to see if I have a match.
Get back to me if the Bears or Saints are playing. I’d watch the game if the Baltimore Colts or Houston Oilers were playing. Bring the Cardinals back home to Chicago and move them into the AFC.
Could you imagine a Superbowl between the AFC champs, Chicago Cardinals against the NFC Champion, Chicago Bears?
I’ll be watching Masterpiece on PBS. Tonight is the conclusion of season five of “All Creatures Great and Small.”
Enjoy the pageantry and penalties. Enjoy the horrible halftime show. Enjoy two teams that nobody likes.
The Philadelphia Eagles are like Donald Trump. Nobody admits they like him and those that do are obnoxious loudmouths.
I don’t know a single Kansas Chefs fan and if you run into them, they have splinters in their ass from the bandwagon.
Here is what you say when you run into a Chefs fan….
….. “All right boys, let's matriculate down the field!”
Get ready for a blank stare.