Sunday, February 2, 2025

February 2nd, 2025

 Today is Groundhog Day.

I never gave today much attention until that movie came out in the early 1990’s.
I never went out of my way to find out if the official groundhog saw his shadow or not. I still, to this day don’t know if it is good or bad to see the shadow.
But I do watch Bill Murray play the part of Phil Connors every year. I’m sure the same channel that plays the Christmas movie about the kid shooting his eye out with a bb gun, plays “Groundhog Day” over and over today.
What day would you wake up to over and over until you got it right?
What song does your alarm clock radio play every morning?
In the movie, Phil Connors is greeted on the same Groundhog Day to Sonny and Cher.
My alarm goes off every weekday morning at 3:33am with “Mr. Blue Sky” by ELO. Sometimes when life goes through a mundane stretch, I feel like Phil Connors.
Life isn’t like that movie though.
We gotta wake up everyday and get one shot at improving who we are while making the world mo betta’ at the same time.
Phil Connors was giving the luxury of waking up on Groundhog Day repeatedly until he improved his character flaws and made life around him better.
I guess we can take Phil Connors and George Bailey and learn from their lessons.
Put that all together with the quote I chalked today and life suddenly appears to have lollipop bushes and rainbows of gold.
Well, maybe not, but never stop searching for that unicorn. You might be looking out at the horizon, when it is standing right next to you.
Cloudy and mild start to February. I’m not going to get gacked up on the warmer start to the month. March usually has a day that wreaks reality. I have plenty of Saint Patrick’s Day photos that have me wearing a scarf and gloves.
Whatever month it is….
…always try and walk on the sunny side of the road.