Friday, February 14, 2025

February 14th, 2025

      Today is that special day for couples in love. Saint Valentine is the patron saint for love and is celebrated passionately today.

That is why we have been inundated with the “Lover’s Lane” commercial at every station break during the six o’clock news this week.
One minute the meteorologist is telling us about a snowstorm heading to Chicago. The next minute two people are having foreplay in skimpy outfits selling nightgowns and butt plugs.
Saint Valentine told people to get married and promote Jesus Christ. He didn’t want you to drive out to a lingerie store in Morton Grove and buy edible underwear.
Thirty-five years ago today, I spent the first Saint Valentine’s Day with a girl that I loved. We shoveled fourteen inches of snow off of her dad’s driveway and then went to dinner in wet clothes.
Looking back with all the wisdom that I have accumulated, we were never “in love,” but we still love each other to this day. She has become an Auntie to the Shepkids.
Nine years ago today, my mommy called me on what was her last Saint Valentine’s Day. She telephoned to tell me that she loved me and that she had “Love Story” on DVD. She and I watched that movie on February 14th many times together when I was younger. I still watch it to this day, alone.
I can hear my mommy echoing Ali MacGraw, “Love means never having to say you're sorry.”
My mom also asked me what I was doing with my wife for Saint Valentine’s Day. I told her that my wife was going to Iowa for a real estate convention. We gave each other a Hallmark card before she left for the Hawkeye State.
I spent that day in 2016 watching “Love Story” for the first time with Hazel. Though she was sleeping on my belly most of the time.
Saint Valentine had his head chopped off for spreading love in Christ’s name. Sounds fitting that we celebrate falling in love on his feast day.
I “think” I have been in love twice. The girl from 1990 is one of my dearest friends today and I’m blessed.
The girl from 2016…
… well, she did give me three children that I love unconditionally and that would make Saint Valentine very happy. She also hung a blackboard in our kitchen that spawned the Morning Chalkboard years later.
If you are in love with someone...
…Celebrate today with passionate gusto.
I have no advice other than to stay home and make dinner. Restaurants perform their worst on holidays. Buy tulips rather than roses and skip the garter belts and whip cream on the areolas. Cuddle up on the couch and watch a sad movie about love from 1970.
That reminds me of a joke;
“Do you prefer roses played on a piano or tulips on an organ?
About today’s quote….
I don’t need a day to celebrate love.
I love you Chalkheads everyday and I do it with all of my heart.