On the hop this morning.
It is important to know that today is muffin day. Broker’s Inn across the street from the Board of Trade always had gorgeous muffins in the morning.
They would cut them in half. Plop a glob of butter in a skillet and fry your muffin for about two minutes.
Blueberry, Banana nut, Chocolate chip, Strawberry and Bran muffins were the main choices. They were so good, even the bran muffins were delicious.
Just imagine a pecan roll frying on a glob of butter for two minutes. Crusty from the skillet, gooey from the heat.
Picture a young Jumbo sitting at the counter wearing a trading jacket. Tribune, cup of coffee and a fried muffin or pecan roll.
I miss the morning paper. I miss sitting at the counter at Broker’s Inn. I miss the people hurrying their breakfast before the opening bell.
Happy Muffin Day you Chalkheads.
I’m going to Google and see if there is a place between Riverside and Oak Brook that has muffins at five o’clock on a Thursday morning.
Be astonished and enjoy the sun on your smiling face.