My Oldman always liked to say, “opinions are like assholes, everyone has them and they both usually stink.”
Not much of a talker today. It’s a cold morning and I’m home from work. I don’t really enjoy these three day weekends much anymore. They make for a harder four day work week and since I’m not much of a traveler these days, they’re worthless to me.
Here is my opinion on National Holidays: Get rid of MLK, Presidents Day, Juneteenth and Columbus Day.
The National Holidays would be New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Election Day, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas.
To make up for the gap left void between New Year’s Day and Memorial Day add the Monday after the Superbowl.
That is my opinion on National Holidays. Love it or hate it.
My Italian-American and African-American friends are probably not too happy with King and Columbus getting nixed. Take the day off, use a personal day.
Same with the Polish on Pulaski, the Irish on Saint Pat, the Mexicans on May 5th, the Croatians on Velika Gospa, the Gays on Pride Day, the muslims for ramadan, the Chinese for their New Year, the Greeks for Opa, the Jews for Yom Kippur, the Germans for Oktoberfest and any other nationality that I left out.
You get a personal day off as well.
I can hear Oprah right now, “you get a day off, you get a day off, you get a day off…”
I’m not getting paid today, but I’m still paying Uncle Sam and the former Mrs. Shepley.
Boy I sound like an assclown this morning!
I just want to go to work and not have to wear long johns this week.
I do have all three Shepkids asleep down the hall right now.
Day three of complaining about everything, not putting plates in the dishwasher, leaving shoes in the middle of the floor, slamming doors, and not flushing the toilet will be a joy today.
I’m already astonished at what the day brings.