Just remember the pine tree doesn’t stand up to winter, it adapts to it.
I’m looking at a twelve on my fancy weather station display. It’s going to be a crisp drive to work this morning.
I’ve stood on CTA platforms in the middle of February with fifty below wind chills. I’ve walked across the frozen Chicago River in howling winds that bounced off the Sears Tower and threw pedestrians to the ground.
I never thought twice when walking between the Board of Trade over to the Billy Goat for lunch in just a trading jacket…
…. During a snowstorm.
All I have to do this morning is walk up the block to where Betty the Green Blazer sleeps and then park in a garage connected to my office building… easy peazy.
I don’t have to walk five blocks to the train station, wait for the train and then trudge across the loop this morning.
Why am I standing here shivering in my kitchen?
I need to be like the pine tree and adapt to the change in weather.
The good news is the forty-degree weather coming this weekend. A cold snap early in December is good preparation for the frigid dark months that stand at the front door.