Today’s quote came from my favorite Christmas movie. Most of you like a Christmas movie with an Angel by the name of Clarence.
Clarence is a cute old Angel who does some great work. He leaves his assignment a dear gift at the end of the movie. His copy of “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer” that had a message inside of the cover…
…. "Remember, no man is a failure who has friends. Thanks for the wings!"
In my favorite movie, “The Bishop’s Wife,” the angel is Cary Grant. A more elegant angel than Clarence. Mr. Grant plays Dudley, assigned to help a Bishop caught between building a new cathedral and saving his marriage. Like Clarence, Dudley also has some flaws.
We all have flaws, so it makes sense that our Guardian Angels have them as well.
In the end, the cathedral is built and the bishop learns to balance faith and family.
It would be great to have a Clarence and Dudley show up on occasion in our lives.
The stress from making ends meet and making everyone happy isn’t an easy task. Throw in the occasional event that amplifies the stress level and that’s about the time we need an angel from heaven to assist us.
Clarence was an awkward angel and Dudley an eloquent angel.
I’m not sure if I’ve ever experienced a Guardian Angel through the years.
What I’ve done is assign relatives and friends who are in heaven different guardianship roles.
PopPop watches my son George. The Oldman keeps watch on Fritz and my Gramma Loretta has been given the difficult job with Hazel.
The jobs that I have given to people in heaven actually keeps them with me on a daily basis. This alone keeps my grief at a minimum. I can’t grieve the loss if they aren’t gone.
My mom kicks my bed every night at 2:22am. My Oldman is sitting in Betty the Green Blazer’s passenger seat every time I put the key in the ignition. My Gramma is with me at work or whenever I come across a hard task. It was she that developed my strong work ethic.
Heaven is closer than the White Hen or Village Pantry. Whenever you’re missing someone who is already in heaven…
…think about them and they are near.
Whenever you need a lottery ticket and a Tribune, drive to the convenient store.
Maybe Dudley is the clerk that sells you that scratch off ticket with your morning coffee?
Maybe Clarence is the conductor on your morning train into the city?
We all need a guardian angel on a daily basis and I believe they are around us. We just don’t know who they are and what role they play.
Maybe WE are Guardian Angels and just don’t know it?
When you do something that makes someone else’s day better…
…you are earning your wings.
Go make “The Bishop’s Wife” your new favorite Christmas movie and be astonished at what this week will bring.