Thursday, December 26, 2024

December 26th, 2024

 You’ve heard me say how an instant memory will soon be a distant memory.

Christmas of 2024 is in the books and for the most part, the memories will be fond.
The memory from yesterday that should pass the test of time involved my son Fritz and his grandmother, JoJo.
We turned on my favorite Christmas movie, “The Bishop’s Wife” while the roast was cooking.
Fritz has seen the movie several times in his fifteen-year career as a Shepkid. JoJo thought she might have watched it at one point but couldn’t remember.
They both enjoyed the movie together and had great banter between them.
After the movie, I turned to Fritz and said, “From now on whenever you watch this movie, it will remind you of JoJo and how much fun the two of you had way back in 2024.”
An instant memory that will get filed into the Christmas past collections.
Today’s quote nails it down well, especially on the day after Christmas when we are gathering our gifts, storing the holiday serving plates and remembering the festive events that occurred in the last thirty-six hours.
Before I know it, Fritz will be off doing his own thing. Same with the other two Shepkids. They’ll have their Christmas memories of dad that will last longer than I do.
Well, I gotta go.
I just heard a “Dad, can you come here?”
Off to do dad stuff!
Be astonished today