Today’s quote?
I’m trying to be optimistic, but not bullshit you at the same time.
I don’t hope… I gave up hoping years ago. Hope is what elects horrific politicians into office.
I am going into 2025 worried and cautious. Most of the worrying is caused by parenthood. Growing older brings wisdom, but for me it has made me more of a worrier.
I don’t remember worrying in the 1990’s. There wasn’t much to worry about when the load of responsibility was nil.
I’m not going to hope that 2025 is better than the previous years. I also don’t want to think about the stupid shit that is going to occur in the next twelve months, but I’ll pray that stupid shit doesn’t occur.
That is about as close that I get to the “thoughts and prayers" that politicians like to tweet during the occurrence of stupid shit.
When put together, “Hope, thoughts and prayers” are wishful thinking that candy coats the stupid shit that life brings.
Leave hope and thoughts in the closet and just pray… remember what Stanley Kirk Burrell rapped about.
“You got to pray, just to make it today.”
2025 is going to bring some stupid shit. It might bring some pain and suffering as well.
If it does…. Don Shepley it!
Lower your shoulders, bow your neck and charge forward.
2025 is going to bring joy, happiness and good times as well.
Like Justin Wilson always said, “I Gawr‐on‐tee it!”
Today is National Card Playing Day. I was never a big poker player, but I played a lot of ”King’s Corner” with my Gramma and great aunties. I’d do anything to sit at the table with all those old ladies and play cards.
Today will be more like March than December. A perfect day to get shit done and recuperate from the Christmas rush.