Monday, February 5, 2024

February 5th, 2024

 It is Monday morning and I’m at a loss for words today.

“Whatever you are?”
I’m sitting here trying to figure out what that is before I can say if I’m good at it or not.
This weekend I was told that I make the best pancakes. That’s what I’m good at…. Making pancakes.
Whatever you are, you’ve got to be happy about it. Because if you’re not happy, you can’t be good.
On a sad note…. Sorry.
I learned a kid that I worked with on the trading floor killed himself last week. One minute this kid was telling funny jokes, the next minute he was a spiteful prick. One day happy, one day sad.
Mental illness…. It finally became too much for this guy. Mental illness never let this guy figure out who he was. Mental illness never let him realize if he was good.
The world has a huge supply of hatred and mental illness. It’s our job as Chalkheads to be the smile on the sun. We are the dim light that shines through the crack.
I was just getting ready to wrap this Chalkboard up and I smacked everyone with a downer.
Sometimes a bad moment can help us define a good moment and that is how we can determine….
….who we are?!?!?!