Happy Saint Valentine’s Day… I took a line from one of the best pop love songs of all time.
The first VD that you share with someone that you have just fallen in love with is the best.
I’ve been fortunate to do that twice in my life. The first time was the Saint Valentine’s Day in 1990 when Chicago was hit with fourteen inches of snow. The second time was in 2001 when I went on a double date with my future in-laws and their daughter.
I still love the girl with the snow shovel.
Today is Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the Easter journey for Christians. This year I want to become more focused on developing a stronger faith within myself. I also want to reflect on the bond that Christians must strengthen with our older half brothers from the Old Testament.
Yesterday I cut into a parking place at the grocery store. There was a guy walking back to his car carrying two bouquets that he just bought.
He thought I came close to hitting him , but I didn’t. He was twenty feet away and he just wanted to be a mealy mouth.
He yapped at me when I got out of Betty the Green Blazer. So I said to him, “Don’t let her know you got those horrible looking flowers at Mariano’s! She’s worth more than that Governor!”
These are the things that I need to work on this Lent. Let Jagoffs be Jagoffs and just walk away.
Let us also begin the final push into spring… have fun making out with your love tonight… ashes on your forehead and love in your heart.