I have a friend from high school that is battling cancer right now. She is chronicling her journey… her ups and downs, her victories and defeats.
This morning I woke up and saw her recent post. She is having a minor setback, but is remaining positive about it.
The beginning of her journal entry said, “Good AM my beautiful pink supporters—- I know, that sounds kind of weird!”
I met this girl when we were freshman in high school. A period of time when hormones were rushing, pimples were popping and Johnny Cougar was rocking.
The first thing I thought when I read her opening line was 1980. I imagined this girl walking into class in her Catholic school uniform saying, “Good morning my beautiful pink supporters!” and the one thing that would have come to mind to a fourteen year old boy….
I think we all know what that is. Back when Reagan became president it was the Holy Grail of Hormones.
Years flew by quicker than we expected and know pink has a different meaning.
That cute little girl from English class is going through a tough fight. A battle that she is preventing to age her because she is staying astonished. She is learning new things about her health, her life and her cancerous condition.
…And she is detailing every step she takes.
She is in a slight setback, but she is staying confident and she is setting an example for all those that love her.
When she walks into the fortieth reunion this autumn, heads will turn. Not because she’s the cute girl in the parochial skirt and blouse, but because she is the woman with the scars and pains of battling illness.
Getting old might suck, but getting older together is an astonishing journey.