Sunday, February 25, 2024

February 25th, 2024

  The winter fart from Friday night no longer lingers. What little snow left from the quick burst of a blizzard will melt today.

I just watched the sunrise climb over the horizon and spread the new daylight across my way.
I’m not going to give you some sappy line about today being a fresh start.
How each morning is a gift and a new chance to rise from the ashes of yesterday.
Here is what we need to do today. Treat ourselves to what makes us mo betta’.
Is it a pot of coffee?
The Sunday paper?
A cheese danish?
10:30 mass?
A Bloody Mary?
Smooches with someone who tingles you?
A long distance phone call?
The smell of bacon?
Miles Davis on the turntable?
Or a walk down a path parallel to splashing water?
Maybe get yourself a bowl of Clam Chowder today? I prefer Manhattan over New England.
Just go do something that will make you happy!
That is what the prescription for the last Sunday of February is…
Get yourself happy and let’s groove into March on an upswing!