I turned on the television and looked for something to watch last night. The first two movies suggested to me were “Full Metal Jacket and “The Princess and the Frog.”
I picked the cartoon over the war movie. No Shepkids were around when I made this decision. The Disney movie was the first movie that I ever took George to. It will always be his first movie at the theater. That made it a nostalgic pick and an easy one at that.
Last night wasn’t the first time that this has happened. Anytime “Cars” is on, I watch it and I always cry when Lightning pushes “The King” over the finish line.
It was easy to pick a quote this morning for the Chalkboard. This was the simple motto that Tianna lived by.
….and in the end it all worked out!
I hope life isn’t like a movie. I don’t want things to work out at the end. I don’t want to work until the day before I die. Fucking Disney…..
I’d like to go to a couple more Jazzfests in New Orleans before I go to the big Jazzfest in heaven.
Dress warm today. Temperature dropped hard around 2:30 this morning and the wind is howling hard.
Hump hard and try to be astonished.