Tuesday, February 6, 2024

February 6th, 2024

 I’ll see you tomorrow.

How many times have you said that? How many times have you replied to that?
That is a huge promise that can’t be guaranteed.
Again, I’ve turned into my Oldman with something else that he once did.
Whenever someone tells me that they’ll see me tomorrow I reply, “God willing!”
I’m in a boring time in my life right now. When I look at today’s Chalkboard quote, I’m not booking a trip to Paris. I’m not even planning a trip to Twin Anchors.
For me, the perfect moment is when the lines are empty at Costco.
Whenever I see a bumper sticker or a poster that says, “Carpe diem…,” I think, “Don’t bullshit yourself!”
You’re not going to seize the day. You’re not even going to seize 2024.
Then I think to myself again….
All the little things that I do on a daily basis…. That’s what ‘carpe diem’ means.
Going to work, to church, to the grocery, to Labarra for a pizza, to the barber, to the cleaners…. Those are the perfect moments in life.
Going to see the Eiffel Tower or the Grand Canyon only lasts a moment.
But sitting on the same park bench and watching the path of shadows everyday. That is the perfect moment.
Taking the Shepkids on the same CTA Christmas train at the same time every year, that is the perfect moment.
Going to the James Joyce when England plays Ireland. The same people, the same barstool, the same pint of Guinness, the same exhilarating atmosphere…. That is the perfect moment.
The mundane routine of life is the perfect moment.
Mardi Gras is one week from today. Time to take the green, gold and purple out of the closet. It is the perfect moment to go to the same place that I go to every year to celebrate Fat Tuesday. The same hurricane, the same redbeans and rice, the same second line songs and the same faces. It’s the perfect moment to go to Shanahans for some King cake.
Life has some exciting moments through the years, but it’s the daily moments that give life gusto.
So carpe diem your laundry… carpe diem getting gas… Carpe diem thawing out that pork shoulder.
Today is the perfect day for a mundane moment.
Cherish it!
God willing you wake up tomorrow so you can wash your socks and underwear.