The other day I used a Shakespeare quote and the ideas ran swiftly through my pen. Today I jot down a simple quote and I’m having a brain fart.
If you are a parent you’ll remember when your child was going through the “why” period. Why Daddy? Why Daddy? Daddy, Why?
Those beautiful little eyes looking at you and that soft innocent reflection in their voices…… Why Daddy?
Well the truth is…… Why?
Give a fuck for the people in your lives, Give a fuck about the world you live in and give a fuck about yourself!
That is WHY!
Just give a fuck for about 73.8 years and leave a world behind that remembers that you were someone who gave a fuck!
Don’t be the piece of crap that doesn’t give a fuck! That guy has no friends, no respect and is a miserable bastard!
Be a person that gives a fuck about God. Be a person that gives a fuck about being a good person.
That is WHY!
People that give a fuck always finish the race in front…
I guess there is something I don’t give a fuck about…. Bad stuff!
Never give a fuck about bad stuff and the bad stuff won’t damper your life……
….and that should answer your question!
All three of my kids walked away from the “Give a Fuck” speech with a dumbfounded gaze.
George took it in an analytical way, Fritz took it in a whimsical way and Hazel took it seriously.
When I finally see my parents again I want to leave behind three happy people that give a fuck when their feet hit the bedroom floor every day.
If you want to know how I feel about YOU…. I give a fuck!
… and that means I love you, care for you, worry for you, cheer for you, pray for you….. that’s what giving a fuck means in a nutshell.
So hold a door for a stranger today and let them know you give a fuck!