Saturday, October 8, 2022

October 7th, 2022

 I woke up stiff this morning…. NO! ….. well that too, but I left the windows open in the bedroom and it got cold during the night.

I’m going to hit the snooze button on this crisp Friday morning and maybe think about the Farrah Fawcett poster that I had stapled to the ceiling above my bed forty years ago.
Yes….. I said the ceiling, not the wall!
My mom was pissed….. she knew what was going on!
Just like I told George before he moved to the town by the river…
“Son….. don’t leave any evidence that your mother can find!”
Anyway…. I’m hitting the snooze button a couple times this crisp morning….. don’t worry! If I told you I had you in my prayers I took care of that last night.
If your name is Farrah Fawcett…. I’ll take care of that between the second and third snooze buttons.
Last day of the week…. Cuddle with someone you love!
Make a meal in your crockpot and love in your bed.