Thursday, October 6, 2022

October 5th, 2022

 Sometimes you have to give mean people the benefit of the doubt. Maybe they are having a bad day, but usually it’s because they are weak and they have to hear themselves bark.

I worked on a trading floor and I learned how to quickly respond to a confrontation. Everything moved fast, so a sharp comeback with a rude put down was key to winning an argument.
In the real world you can’t confront mean people in the same fashion. Even though it’s hard to do back away.
Just walk away…..
That’s all I’m going to say about this subject…..
The redheads are coming over today. It’s the last Farmers Market of the year and I have to take Hazel to school tonight. We are picking out her musical instrument for fourth grade.
I’m not looking forward to this because it hasn’t been a good run with the Shepkids.
George lasted three weeks on the trombone. It became something he could use to knock crap over in the house. Fritz also had a short career as a percussionist. I have a xylophone collecting dust in his closet.
So I’m laying it out that Hazel is the last hope for a musician in the family. A flute, a clarinet, a violin? As long as it’s not a tuba!
Anyway, enjoy your humpday! Hump them if you got them.