The first day of October is upon us. Soon we will be gathering around the Thanksgiving table and then the Christmas tree.
2022 is rushing quickly into 2023 and soon we will look back and see what the year brought us.
We know it has brought higher prices, a war in Europe and the continuation of bickering among our politicians.
But what about us?
It’s really important to stop and smell the flowers before they wither away and get buried in the snow. As life goes on, don't wait until the only option is to reminisce about the past.
I’m sitting on my couch this morning and I can hear the lions roaring from Brookfield Zoo. They are telling me to come over and say hello today.
That zoo has seen me on field trips, family trips, with my mommy, with my dad, on dates, by myself and lately with my offsprings. I’ve seen the changes and improvements through the years.
I was able to see Ziggy after they took his chains off. I rode on the steam train that circled around the entire zoo and once I saw a rhino spray a group from Wisconsin with urine.
Ziggy died years ago and Brookfield Zoo no longer holds elephants in captivity. Insurance and maintenance became too expensive and now the train has been replaced with trams. The Cheeseheads that got pissed on? Their football team has owned our football team since.
Maybe I’ll wear a Bears shirt and coax the rhino into pissing on me today. Then the Bears will finally become a winning team.
That will be something the kids can reminisce about down the road.
“Remember the day dad wore his Walter Payton Jersey to the Zoo and the rhino pissed on him?”
“Dad smelled like piss for the rest of that weekend!”
“Yeah, but dad wore that Walter Payton jersey at every SuperBowl the Bears won before he died!”