Like many Saturday afternoons I enjoy listening to classic radio shows on WDCB. As I’m listening to “Fibber McGee and Molly” I noticed a Riverside Police car pulled in front of the three flat. The police officer gets out opens the backdoor and out pop the Shepley Brothers.
Typical Chicago guy who happens to be juggling fatherhood and bachelorhood. An old trading floor broker that drives around in Betty the Green Blazer and lives by a river. Most of the stories are life lessons that will make you Laugh, Cry and Think. The "Chalkboard" is a daily post from the blackboard hanging in my kitchen. It has become my therapeutic tool that starts the morning with accomplishment and a positive beginning to the day. All Chalkheads are welcome to enjoy the ride.
Sunday, October 30, 2022
October 30th, 2022
“Thank you very much sir!”
At this point I’m out on the balcony and the police officer is looking up at me. He has a huge smile on his face when he sees my face. I’m wearing the “Don Shepley, you’ve got to be shitting me!” look on it.
George yells up to me,
“Oh hi dad! We got a ride home from the train station from this police officer!”
Now I must have a dumbfounded look on my face as the boys tromp up the stairs and the Riverside police officer drives away.
The boys went to Hensdale for the day to get haircuts with PopPop, have lunch and do chores for their Grandparents. Hazel and I went shopping and had lunch in the car near the river.
Back to the Shepley Brothers arrest report…..
The boys train caught fire as it rolled into Riverside. They were able to get off safely, but they were on the Southside of the tracks and we live on the northside. The stalled Metra was joined with a stopped freight train. This is typical on a Saturday afternoon in Riverside because a major freight yard is east of us in Cicero.
Supposedly the ShepBros were patiently waiting for the trains to move so they can get home. At this point there are several squad cars and fire trucks assisting the stalled passenger train. Between trains and emergency vehicles these two boners are in seventh Heaven.
Now here is the kicker. Here is another reason why Riverside is a great home…. the police officer asks the boys where they live and tells them to get into his squad car. He saw them get off the train and took it upon himself to take care of them. Solid move by the RPD…
I was so proud of my boys not to panic, but instead bond as brothers and experience the making of a good memory. My first memory of getting out of a police car at George’s age was a little different and Gramma CeCe wasn’t very happy.
The ShepBros had a great day on the other side of Mannheim with their PopPop. Hazel and I spent Daddy and Daughter time eating french fries on Betty the Green Blazers dashboard. The sun was out on the peak weekend of autumnal beauty and the four of us had a great Saturday adventure.
Today I quoted the great mayor of Chicago, Richard J. Daley. Can you hear him saying this in his Chicagonese accent? Chicago sure would be a better city if Mayor Daley was still around.
The Bears have a tough go today down in Dallas and Labarra is having a huge barbecue bash for the game and Halloween. Go have a gorgeous Sunday and remember our one chore for the weekend…. Call someone who thinks that you are special. You’ll feel Mo Betta’!