Saturday, March 2, 2024

March 2nd, 2024

 You probably recognize today’s quote from yesterday. I have never done this before, but I thought we had some unfinished business. This quote has too much going on not to delve into its intentions.

I look at this quote several ways. The first one is the more obvious interpretation. When someone dies who we love our relationship together has ceased to exist. The life they had consisted of the love that they had for the survivor. When my parents died, I lost two people that loved me.
They left and they took their love with them…
Every day of the year someone dies who gave love and who was loved. It is a tragedy to let someone die without ever being loved. It is a tragedy never to give love. Now we know that the world is full of hate and neglect. As Chalkheads we are the complete opposite.
When we die, we take our love with us to eternity. That is why there is grief left in the wake of our departure. This is the harsh kick in the ass that life gives us. We have a handful of people that love us and when they go, that number dwindles.
The second interpretation falls into the Alfie Lord Tenny theory. “Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.”
There is one single person in this world that once loved me and I her. I firmly believe the loss of living love far outweighs the love lost to death. Now I believe this girl probably still loves me and I her. We are not in love and the hatred of losing love is still bitter. Until we perish the sting of love lost will always leave a foul odor in our lives.
What about our love for each other? Twenty to thirty people will be reading this Chalkboard later today that I deeply love. Hundreds of people will read this Chalkboard that I deeply cherish… that is love as well.
I can love all of you because I’m deeply in love with myself. There is no fucking way you can give love until you know how to be love…. that is only accomplished when you love who YOU are.
….and that is another tragedy in life. When hatred fills a heart and doesn’t allow it to pump love.
Today is Parade Day. I’ve been watching the weather calendar for months hoping for the forecast that we received. Unfortunately, something else crept up on my calendar that will keep me from my annual extravaganza.
I must chauffeur my little Thespian to her all-day Final dress rehearsal west of Mannheim Road. Like I told the first girl I fell in love with when she asked me last night what time I’ll be at the parade tomorrow.
“I need to be a dad for a fifth grader tomorrow, that only happens once. Forest Park will have another parade next year.”
Unless we have another round with China Flu.!.!.!
I need you Chalkheads to go out and smile back at the sun today. I need you to be astonished and I need you to spread love…… Jumbo amounts of love!
Just like Burt Bacharach told us….. “What the world needs now is JumboLove, not just for some, but for everybody.”