Wednesday, March 20, 2024

March 20th, 2024

   We all know how much joy I experience when I am able to throw a smile on the sun. Within the last several months a smiley face has appeared on my dining room table.

This recent addition is no larger than a nickel. The little smirk is done in black Sharpie and smiles at me whenever I sit down at the table.
I tried alcohol swabs to remove the goofy little grin, but it’s permanently embossed into the grain of the wood.
I know who the guilty doodler is that left this happy face for generations to come. The artist currently takes fifth grade classes and stands about chest level to her father. The person always sits at that seat because it faces the television in the living room.
Whenever the grade school graffiti artist isn’t around… that smiley face is still there. It’s there when I’m having my breakfast. It’s there when I’m paying bills at the table and it’s there at supper time when I’m watching “The Wheel.”
I didn’t lose my cool when the cheerful emoji first beamed on my table. It was obvious my mysterious fourth child was responsible for this stunt. “Itwasntme” Shepley is clearly the culprit who grabbed a permanent marker out of the junk drawer and doodled away.
Patience and love…..
I will be long gone, but my dining room table will be in a basement rec room of one of my offsprings. That smiley face will still beam at a future Shepley. It will be a reminder of how patient and loving Grampa John once was. Great Grampa Don would have shit and come unglued.
Simple things like a smiley face can bring joy for years to come.
Humpday is here and with it comes the first full day of spring. I put a smile on the sun today. So go be astonished and kind.