The number down in the grabber section could probably be called the hyphen number. That number represents the amount of days between August 3rd of 1937 and May the 6th in 2016.
8/3/37 - 5/6/16 = 28,766
That is the amount of time my mom struggled with life.
Today I start my sixty day struggle to define how 28,766 touched the world. Sixty days can be really long when you give up all the pleasures that make life Mo Betta. Sixty days can be quick when they are on the tail end of a life.
It was on day 28,706 when Cecilia Shepley called her son to tell him she was sick. It was day 28,707 through 28,766 that painfully gave closure to the relationship between a mother and her only son.
All that is physically left from those 28,766 days can be found in two boxes in the back of my closet.
All that can be found between day 18,207 and day 28,766 can be found in my memories. It was on day 18,207 when I entered Cecilia’s life.
Life looks sterile when you number it into days.
I still have the phone message of my mom’s frail voice asking me to call her back. She sounds scared and in pain. It was probably one of her last struggles to get up the nerve to have that conversation with me.
But we had that conversation and we began the end of her journey together.
Our journey together…
Our journey together…
Our journey together…
It always comes to an end.
Well Chalkheads…. Here we go!
The beginning of “Sixty days of Celebrating Cecilia, 2024.”
28,766 days of life that touched the earth. You can’t rearrange the numbers. They all add up and get packed away.
It’s not a number to mourn, but to celebrate…
Life should always be Kool and the gang.