I bit off more than I can chew by choosing one of the last lines Hamlet muttered before he died. Why am I quoting Billy Shakes on the day Christ died?
Holy Week has all the tragedy similar to a Shakespearean play. The main character comes in at the beginning with fanfare and celebration. He spreads doubt and fear amongst his closest friends. He pisses off the powerful religious leaders and finally is destroyed by Latin Gladiators.
The part of the story that saddens me is his mom’s role. When looking at the painful climax that takes place on the Friday… try and imagine it play out through the eyes of the rebellious preacher’s mother.
This woman, born without sin knew what she was getting into when an angel appeared some thirty years prior. Mary, the mother of the protagonist watches her son get wrongfully accused by intimidated officials. She’s witnesses her son beaten and persecuted and then she watches him die on a cross.
Sure, Papa God asked his only living son to suffer immensely, but think of the sacrifice and pain the mysterious force puts the mom through.
Hamlet said, “The rest is silence” and Jesus said, “It is finished.”
But it isn’t finished and the message isn’t silent.
The message is salvation and the gift is eternal life.
Today is the most powerful day in the Christian Faith. A Faith handed down from our Jewish roots.
“Keep In Mind That Jesus Christ Has Died For Us And Is Risen From The Dead. He Is Our Saving Lord, He Is Joy For All Ages.”
Alright that is the end of our religious and literature lesson for the day. Time to talk about sports. Chicago baseball opened with a dud, but my Illini friends are living for another day. Good luck to my Warrior and Boiler people today.
The smile on the sun is peaking out at you. Be astonished today and take a minute to reflect on the “rest” in your life…..
Let’s get some runs…..