I woke up at 1:52 already angry at the day. It all started yesterday when I received an email from my ex. Then a text message from the school nurse. Another text message from the school counselor followed that. It happens in three’s.
The kicker is a week from today. I have to go to court because a court order of protection has been filed against me.
This is coming from a person who’s special needs son ran away from home at two o’clock in the morning last spring. Someone who abandoned her two younger children last summer.
I am deleting more paragraphs right now full of angry comments. Venting and deleting, screaming at the keyboard and swiping it off before I hit send.
I have to go to the Daley building with all the other miserable divorced losers and explain to a judge that I’m not a threat. I’ve got to keep my cool and not get angry.
I have to hope the judge realizes that the only threat to this woman comes from herself. This girl lost a good job, a decent boyfriend, a handful of friends and her oldest son and I’m a threat. Her parents had Christmas at my home for Christ’s sake.
I’m fucking angry and my alarm hasn’t even gone off yet!
The Morning Chalkboard has become my therapist and today I need one. I need a therapist, a lawyer, a masseuse, a mechanic and an accountant. What I really needed was about a hundred and fifty more minutes of sleep.
I got the email for this court date on December 5th. It’s been gnawing at me for seven weeks. Throughout the entire Christmas season …Wednesday February 1st has been dangling in my head.
Next Wednesday I’m going to act like a gentleman for Judge Sullivan and afterwards I’m going to walk across the loop and get a cigar. Maybe get lunch at Miller’s Pub and maybe walk over to Grant Park and listen to Vivaldi.
This too shall pass and so will my anger…
It’s Irish coffee day and it’s supposed to snow… those alone should calm me down.
Thank you for letting me vent, my alarm just went off…. Let’s get it on Wednesday!