February 23rd always sticks out because it was my Gramma’s birthday. My mom’s mom, Loretta Zoellner. My Grandmother falls right behind my father when it comes to who I am as a person.
I work my ass off everyday because of the work ethic I learned from a tiny little German lady. Loretta was also a strong Catholic who attended Mass several times a week. Loretta was 106 when she died in 2012.
On the back of my couch is an Afghan that LoLo made me forty years ago. Whenever I crawl under it she is near.
Oh and one last thing about my Gramma. I listened to basketball games on her transistor radio with her often as a kid. Indiana Pacers basketball on WIBC. That is why I’m the only Pacer fan in Chicago. I’ve been a Pacer fan since the ABA.
When I arrive in heaven Loretta will be waiting. Waiting with a list of chores.
….and her infamous breakfast cinnamon rolls.
March is less than a week away. Baseball scores will start appearing next week. Flowers will start popping up and birds will be singing their morning songs.
….and the Irish will be celebrating.
Today is National Chili Day. I would do anything to jump into my Oldman's car and drive down to 18th and Damen for a bowl of Bishop’s Chili.
Unfortunately it closed and the building was torn down. I’m sure there is a Bishop’s Chili in heaven.
Enjoy a bowl of chili today or better yet…. A chili dog.