I tried to think about any enemies that I might have… maybe a couple washed up Chicago Board of Trade guys and a girl from Hinsdale was all that I could come up with…
Then I thought maybe… if I don’t have any enemies then who do I think is a dick?
….And the list grew long quickly.
But who thinks I’m a dick?
I’m sure that list is long…
A couple guys from the bond room, maybe a couple people from high school, definitely a girl from Hensdale.
I think it’s pretty good not having enemies at my age. I will have to explain about the people who are dicks when I go to heaven.
I’m pretty sure God doesn’t let Dicks in heaven….
Though we are all one forgiveness away from eternal brotherhood…
Even the dickheads.
For every dickhead that I’ve met in life I have ten people who call me friend.
That’s pretty good…
Unless I count my friends and I’ll still collect a handful of dicks…
Thank God I suck at math.
And in the spirit of Betty White… thank you for being my friend.
Chinese New Year
Happy New Year to the Tigers…. Tigers are cats so it’s the year of the cat!
“Like a watercolor in the rain
Don't bother asking for explanations
She'll just tell you that she came
In the year of the cat.”
Any oldie, but a goodie…