When I picked the kids up at school My daughter asked if she could play “Mindshaft” on my phone. I told her no and she told me she hated me.
“Why do you hate me Hazel?”
Her answer was because her mom hates me.
“Well Love, sometimes I don’t like you, but I always Love you!”
Let’s hope the seed planted to the East of Mannheim road has deeper roots than the one planted in the west.
I left the news on longer than I usually do when the Shepkids are in Riverside.
The news story was about an older kid who shot his younger cousin in the chest and he died. The younger child was teasing his teenage cousin.
“That’s not the right thing to do dad…. Is it because they are black?”
Do we have to go there tonight?
Not the conversation I needed to have on a Wednesday night with my eight year old daughter!
I spread logical JumboLove onto the subject and planted a seed that will hopefully help her understand.
I’ve said it before… Parenthood is leaving the world a better you. Planting stronger Seeds than our parents planted is the way to do it.
To reiterate my parenthood theory….
I won’t plant a seed, but instead an earworm.
“I believe the children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside!”
Enjoy, I hope you can hit those high Whitney notes today!
I’ve done a few of them already! The third one I did was a word synonymous with damp or wet. Started with an “M” ended with a “T”
I think I’m going to like this game!
I read an article yesterday that mentioned good first words to start
Your morning “Wordle” with. I put a couple examples on the Morning Chalkboard….
They don’t allow the word that I want to use.
Am I the only one who thinks “eatme” is one word?