Wednesday, February 16, 2022

February 16th, 2022

 I was visiting my Gramma down in Indianapolis when I was six or seven.

I did something stupid with the neighborhood kids and when I got caught my Gramma told me that she had eyes in the back of her head.
Her hairdo blocked them because I could never see those damn eyes, but she had them.
She died at the age of 106… I was 46! Forty six years and I never saw the eyes in the back of her head, but they were there.
I had a vision this morning on 31st street driving through Westchester.
Not a vision as much as a voice saying, “slow down and let that car ahead of you activate the green light.”
….so I slowed down and ten seconds later a deer ran in front of Me and Betty.
I would have clipped that F’er if I didn’t lay off the gas pedal.

Don’t always trust your eyes when you are looking for something!

Speaking of vision…. The most underrated sports movie… “Vision Quest.”

I know something we won’t be seeing….. Baseball!
I don’t know what’s going on!
I don’t care…. Get off your dicks and end the lockout!
The world is in turmoil and I need the smell of grilled onions and the crack of a line drive!
Today is the full moon, the Snow Moon. It was gorgeous this morning hanging over the western suburbs.