I’m sure glad I didn’t become an encyclopedia salesman like my Uncle Hanz. Uncle Hanz made a good living in the middle of the last century selling sets of encyclopedias across the Midwest.
He died before the dawn of the smart phone which more or less was the kiss of death for his business.
Our age group had to research and study when we had a term paper or an assignment. We didn’t have search engines and AI.
We have all of this information and knowledge at the tip of a stylus today. No microfiche and microfilm in the back room of the library.
As new technologies emerge that make life easier, we must not lose our discipline.
Remember that the back bone of society is made of ethics, theology, and philosophy. We can Google these things, but can we keep them from declining?
TS Eliot was worried that today would arrive one hundred years ago when he wrote the words I quoted today on the Morning Chalkboard.
Saturday is rugby day! Go Team!