Thursday, November 21, 2024

November 20th, 2024

 Today I’m going to call a place where George filled out a job application.

I’m going to ask for the hiring manager and explain the situation.
My son filled out a job application last week. He didn’t have much to put on it and he didn’t know his social security number. The person that took that application told my son that he can produce it at the job interview.
I’m going to tell this person that my son is highly functioning on the autistic spectrum. I’m going to guess his application was passed over.
Here is the big favor… can you call him and tell him you are going with a more experienced candidate?
This way it will build his confidence and be a constructive experience as he prepares to enter the workforce.
Suddenly I have become something I thought I’d never be. Someone that I mocked in the past, A Helicopter Parent.
A parent that hovers over every move their child makes.
I need my oldest son to experience disappointment and setbacks in life, but I need to bubble wrap him in the process.
One of the gifts that the autistic spectrum has given George is a stoic view of his world. He doesn’t get sad and he doesn’t get happy. When he has an outburst, it is quick and it doesn’t linger.
I just think a phone call from the place he left his application will give him a positive outlook.
He filled out an application at the grocery store in town earlier in the year. He had a job interview with the manager and was never called back. He isn’t sad or happy about it, but he is still disenchanted over how it was handled.
I don’t want that to happen again.
George will find a niche and do well at whatever it is. It will all work out for him, but in the meantime, I’m hovering over my son and keeping him from hitting the hard edges.
The cloudy weather over the weekend kept me from getting a clear view of the November full moon. It is already fading away from its brightest point. I always come away a little disappointed when this happens. I guess I need to find the Joni Mitchell inside me and figure out both sides now.
It is already Wednesday and the hump is high this week. Lower the shoulders, bow the neck and fight through. A week from tomorrow is Turkey Day.
Pound sand and be astonished