Friday, December 3, 2021

December 3rd, 2021

 You look at today’s quote and you think, “I don’t play sports anymore so this quote is worthless to me today.”

We take risk everyday. We either have a winning day or a day of defeat. From the moment your feet hit the bedroom floor in the morning until lights out at nighttime, it’s game time!
The daily grind of life doesn’t offer a “You had a great Day” Parade.
They don’t hand out trophies if you get every green light coming home from work and hats don’t fall on your bed after a love making hat trick.
I gotta think I’ve scored more points than fumbles since 1966. Though I think the people I’ve pissed off linger in my memory more than those I made happy….. ahh…..shit…. I’m just rambling…. Just Paul McCartney the fucking day!
….and in the end… the love you take is equal to the love you make!