Saturday, January 2, 2021

"See you in three weeks! Worst case scenario!"

2020 closed the trading floor.... it was really a blessing in disguise. We feared the floor closing for years! It took the pandemic to finally ring the closing bell. I turned to a couple of the floor traders and wished them a safe and relaxing couple weeks on March 13th, 2020. The words still hanging in the air, "See you in three weeks! Worst case scenario!"

That was almost ten months ago! After over thirty years I no longer worked on the trading floor. In October of 2020 our Trading office shut down at LaSalle and Adams and moved to Oakbrook Terrace. Now I no longer work in the Loop after more than five decades. Well the two and a half months in early 2020 gave me the honor to say "five decades."

So I don't grab a Trib and jump on the train any longer, but what hurts the most is I will never have the annual "State of the Jumbo" breakfast at Ceres in the lobby of my Chicago Board of Trade building. A tradition that started in the late 1980's. The breakfast between Christmas and New Years.

I look at the floor closing as a blessing in disguise. The Silver Lining my oldman told me to always find. My career has taken a giant leap into a new era! Leaving behind some of the staples that made working on the trading floor special!

Ceres was my Binyon's! Thirty years ago my father pissed and moaned that he will never again have the turtle soup at Binyon's. They shut their doors when my dad worked in the city. So the little things that make life better quietly disappear without the parades and last calls........"See you in three weeks! Worst case scenario!"