Friday, January 1, 2021

Clean Slate, again?!?!

The beginning of a New Year finds me fiddling with fine tuning and the naïve motivation to change up the routine! It started out like most mornings when the ShepKids are over... making pancakes and running a short order diner. The kid's are also listening to early R.E.M. in the background. Music in the background plants a seed that they don't even know is growing. If it wasn't for my parents playing early 1970's singer/songwriter tunes I might have become a depressed lonely cat owner cluttered in a small apartment far from where I breath today.
Sure these rugrats are going to start eating dinner at the dining room table, sure they will start making their bed's and brushing their teeth! Well, it starts with leading by example like my parents did for me!
I held 2020 to come in with a new beginning as we ended the 2010's .....we know how that turned out. 
2018 and 2019 had a simple chalkboard that read "Clean Slate." That was a given and the slate became cluttered, but good habits were formed as I started the path of a divorced dad living in the DDD (Divorced Dad Division) of Riverside, Illinois.
So here we go blogging with a clean slate and the hope that by February I've become better at making this a part of my daily routine. A little words of dumb wisdom and the addition of chalkboards posted from the previous years. If it all adds up some of you will take away a smile and I'll receive therapy from each post!
and today's vocabulary word is:


Sapid adj. Having a strong, pleasant taste; palatable. “The wine tasting was a most sapid event.” (of talk or writing) Pleasant or interesting.


                                                               2018 and 2019