Sunday, January 17, 2021

January 17th, 2021

 Sunday Funday’s and the Saints are playing would usually bring me to Shanahans, but On this 323rd day of Covid I will be making chocolate chip cookies with Hazel.


Weather forecast predictions are for a winter shitshow! Keep the greasy side down and the shiny side up!


Excited for the Winter wonderland forecast for the weekend! I think the kids need an introduction to “The Godfather” movies.... “Animal House” is another great cabin fever movie! Hazel will love it!


Hump day!!!

Barely six months into the chalkboard and it still looks similar to the chalkboard at my ex wife's house. Looks like we were doing battle that day and I took the low road. Something I've learned to stop doing. Especially since I promised my dad before he died that I would be a better ex husband. Dinner that night was a weird date...