Wednesday, January 27, 2021

January 27th, 2021

 Did you start a Covid hobby? A new job? A new relationship? The good ones are tough at first, but get easier with practice and experience!

Gorgeous snowstorm on a picture perfect afternoon yesterday!

The intersections of life! People we meet are traffic lights! Stop and meet, keep on driving or use caution with this person!
Today is Monday and it’s chocolate cake day.... do I have to tell you what you need to do today? Enjoy.... maybe a glass of milk too!

Snow overnight before the coldest temperatures felt in Chicago history.... don’t believe the hype.... just use common sense!
Today is National Chocolate Cake Day.... USA 7’s won their third silver in a row early this morning in New Zealand... the news sucks this morning.... I suggest watching movies all day!

Sunset today is 5pm! Enjoy the weekend my Facebook family!