Tuesday, October 31, 2023

October 31st, 2023

 The last day of October and tricks and treats are coming to the door tonight. I’m going to sit on my balcony and throw candy bars down to all the ghouls walking past.

Halloween has never been my thing. My favorite holiday is coming up next though. Thanksgiving has always been my go to for the best holiday of the year. Followed by Mardi Gras, Fourth of July and Christmas.
I’m going to predict that 93.9FM begins 24 hours of Christmas Carols on Thursday, November 9th at 4:07pm. The song will be Mariah Carey’s, “All I want for Christmas is you.”
Tonight I’m going to watch Charlie Brown and maybe an old black and white movie that we saw on Creature Features back in the day.
And soup.
I could go for a good bowl of tomato soup and a crispy grilled cheese after I’m done launching Kit Kats at unsuspected goblins.
You’re going to have to reach deep down today for that smile. It’s supposed to snow in Chicagoland. Take your time and don’t tailgate today. Don’t tailgate me, because I’ll brake check your Hyundai ass. Betty the Green Blazer is tougher than Tabitha the Toyota.
And never forget… Trick or treat, smell my feet, give me something good to eat…