I’m not sure what the week will bring, besides a few days closer to November. I closed the curtains Saturday night and when I opened them Sunday morning I noticed the leaves color changing.
Today I might be a commodity broker. Tomorrow I could be collecting carts at Costco. Poor men can become rich and strangers today can be lovers next week. You never know what the future brings.
Just be grateful for a good Monday morning and hopeful for a strong Friday afternoon. That is what today’s quote from Billy Shakes is getting at…
I’m going to cut today’s Chalkboard post short on this early Monday morning. I have some prick from South Africa mouthing off at me because I predicted New Zealand to win the World Cup.
I’m going to rebuild his asshole for him Chicago style before I return him to his farm. Keyboard bullies are lifeless creatures who usually live an uneventful life.
Start your week on a good note.
Put a smile on your sun and don’t take any shit…