I always talk about setting good examples for the ShepKids. Last night before I climbed into bed I set an example for George.
It was about 8:45pm and George is rustling around in my kitchen. I’m in my bathroom and the door is ajar. I had just washed my face and I’m brushing my teeth. However I’m sitting on the crapper while I brush my teeth.
I don’t usually kill two birds with one stone, but Wednesday night I just happened to do it.
“Dad can I make some popcorn?” ….. are the words I hear as my oldest son appears at the slightly opened bathroom door.
“DAD???? You brush your teeth on the toilet?”
The shock of seeing his Oldman on the crapper brushing his teeth might possibly scar Georgie for life. He stepped back away from the bathroom door and asked again,
“May I have a bag of popcorn please?”
“George it’s getting late… yes, you may. Just brush your teeth when you are done.”
See how I accomplish things as a single father. Setting an example for proper dental hygiene.
I’m looking forward when George’s brother and sister are over this weekend and I overhear…..
“Do you guys know dad brushes his teeth when he poops?”