I’ll never quote Oprah or a Kennedy on the Morning Chalkboard. Though I’m a Bear fan I’ll quote Vince Lombardi over George Halas. This morning I’m going to quote the classiest person associated with the Dallas Cowboys, since they won last night… Coach Tom Landry.
Typical Chicago guy who happens to be juggling fatherhood and bachelorhood. An old trading floor broker that drives around in Betty the Green Blazer and lives by a river. Most of the stories are life lessons that will make you Laugh, Cry and Think. The "Chalkboard" is a daily post from the blackboard hanging in my kitchen. It has become my therapeutic tool that starts the morning with accomplishment and a positive beginning to the day. All Chalkheads are welcome to enjoy the ride.
Tuesday, January 17, 2023
January 17th, 2023
I’ve seen the healthiest people die unexpectedly in my life. I’ve also seen some unhealthy people live into their eighties. It doesn’t matter if we are on our lowest lows or our highest highs this month… when your feet hit the floor this morning you’ve got a life to live.
It is true, most mornings I say hello to the Devil before I say hello to heaven. It’s because I want his attention when I’m praying. When I’m praying to heaven the devil is mother fucking me. Maybe God doesn’t like my approach and my parents are worried I’ll slip up, but I’ve got a big day ahead of me.
I’ve got 100% of my life left.
I might be two thirds of the way done with my life, but if Coach Landry thinks that I have 100% of my life left I’m gonna bust my ass off today.
You think about this jag off quarterback that was on the losing team last night. As much as many of us dislike the bastard he is the poster child for Coach Tom Landry’s philosophy.
Albeit the NFL is a watered down version of a game we once knew as football. It protects the quarterback so they can live another day. This kid has bettered himself every year. He looks younger and healthier today with the expansion team in Florida than he did when he played for that AFL team in Boston. He realizes every morning he still has 100% of his life left.
Yesterday morning I poached eggs for Hazel. First time she’s ever had her egg that way. The whole time I’m making breakfast I’m thinking I’ve got to live for twenty eight years. I’ve got to make it for twenty eight years so I know for sure Hazel and her brothers will be alright.
Many of us have a plate load of problems right now. Grief, stress, anxiety, illness…. How the hell am I gonna make it right now?
Well I know how the fuck I’m gonna make it.
*I have three kids to set examples for.
* I have friends that need JumboLove.
*I have a heaven that loves me.
*Deceased Parents watching every step I take.
*A devil to piss off daily
*hotdogs to put mustard on, sunrises to watch glitter up the sky, puddles to walk through and red lights to slow me down going to work.
I’m about ready to put my feet on the bedroom floor, make George his lunch and get in Betty the Green Blazer and go to work….
….sounds to me like I have 100% of life to live today!
Hell, I’ve got another losing baseball season to live through!
Go kick Tuesday’s ass and live life with Gusto…..