I’ve noticed a few “defriends” recently on Facebook. Maybe it’s because I despise ketchup on a hotdog? Maybe it’s because I support Israel? Maybe it’s because I don’t make it past a third date?
I’ll never put ketchup on my hotdog. I will always support Israel and thanks for the red flag before things got carried away.
I’m not too upset and I’ll quote Sir Elton John, I’m still standing.
Let’s cut some more losses before the end of the year. I think Trump, Biden and The Pope are horrible. I love people, but I hate races. Anyone who thinks Bartman cost the Cubs that game, you’re an assclown. If you use the term “Chi-town” for Chicago, please defriend me.
You know what takes the place of these clowns that left my Facebook friends list?
I’m still friends with a guy I bullied in grade school. I’m still friends with my mother in law and I’m still friends with most of the girls I’ve dated since moving to Riverside.
The kid I bullied…. I told him that I was sorry. My kids now call him Uncle.
My MIL…. That one is a head scratcher, but she loves my children and puts up with me.
The girls that I’ve dated and we have stayed friends. I didn’t bullshit them and we realized at our age that life is too short for grudges. Many of them have found the right guy and some of those guys have become Chalkheads.
I’m fifty seven fucking years old. I don’t care if you’re a democrat. Just don’t badmouth Reagan, Nixon or Goldwater in front of me. I don’t care if you put ketchup on your hotdog. Just sit at another table.
I’m fifty seven fucking years old. I don’t have time for pettiness. I’m here, I don’t care if you’re queer and Old Style is my favorite beer.
Please call me out before you defriend me. There are so many people reading this right now that have been pissed off at me, but they are still in my corner….
…. And for you guys, thank you and I love you. I will continue to try putting the smile on your sun. Just don’t ever go with me for a hotdog in a Cubs hat and a Packers shirt.
Because I WILL squirt mustard on you.