Sunday, March 9, 2025

March 9th, 2025

    I came across this Billy Shakes line and quickly chalked it down. Maybe too quickly. The time change had me flustered to start chalking and I didn’t think this line out all of the way.

Here was the original opening for today’s Morning Chalkboard,
“We don’t live these lives only to succumb to a tragic fate. We sure as hell don’t plan on it.”
No shit Sherlock!?!?!
What kind of heavy crap was I planning to delve into on a day when the sun delivers warmer temperatures and a later sunset?
This quote is tragic and negative. If I have learned one thing since my mom changed my last diaper; it is negativity that always brings tragedy.
If you want to walk around under a cloud every day, prepare to get whacked by a bolt of lightning.
Bad things are bound to happen between today and the day when I boogie off to heaven. I can’t prepare for it and nor do I want to waste my fucking time in anticipation of tragedy.
There was an obscure Broadway musical that was popular when we were young. My parents had the album and occasionally played it on their stereo console.
It was “A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum.” Zero Mostel sang a song, “Comedy Tonight.”
I made my parents play that song over and over for me. I would prance around the living room in my Chicago Bears pj’s performing this song just like Zero Mostel.
It was from those living room performances that I realized that comedy was better than tragedy.
Those who welcome happiness and humor in their daily routine are better equipped for the day that brings the shitshow.
I never stopped performing the living room productions. A couple weeks ago I knocked a Jumbo rendition of “Shaft” out of the park. The Shepkids learned that John Shaft will risk his neck for his brother man and that he is a complicated man.
I’m thinking about doing a cover of the Diana Ross song, “I’m Coming Out” next. Can you feel the irony of seeing a heterosexual, conservative, Grabowski Catlick kid performing a song used by the LBGTQ community?
Why the hell not!?!?!?
Just the thought of it shuns tragedy from my doorstep.
In conclusion…. Build a stockpile of happiness for the days that bring tragedy.
Start by catching the later sunrise and sunset today. Followed by glancing up at a moon glowing around eighty percent illumination.
Then move the coffee table to the side and perform something that makes you happy.
I promise…. It will make you feel mo betta’